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Dynamic Seals Guide Ring FK

The Guide Ring FK is an element that prevents metallic contact between the piston and the bore and has the ability to safely absorb all occurring lateral forces. Guide Rings are produced mechanically with turning machines in various materials with a diagonal cut. Guide Rings are of vital importance for the safe operation of a hydraulic or pneumatic system and need to be aligned to the prevailing conditions.   

Standard Guide Rings are made of filled PTFE, thermoplastic or fabric-reinforced phenolic or polyester resin. The compressive strength depends on the material used and has a range of 15 to 100 N / mm². To calculate the maximum load per Guide Ring, apply: lateral force / projected surface x 0.75

Guide Ring FK

Fields of application
single acting
double acting
Main use Guiding in dynamic applications
Materials Fabric-based laminate, Polymers, PTFE, PTFE with filling material, thermoplast; UHMW-PE

Technical values

Pressure -
Temperature -200°C / +260°C (werkstoffabhängig)
Speed bis 10 m/s
Pressure -
Temperature -200°C / +120°C (werkstoffabhängig)
Speed bis 2 m/s
Pressure -
Temperature -40°C / +130°C (werkstoffabhängig)
Speed bis 1 m/s
Maximum values temperature, speed and pressure are simultaneously not applicable! The values vary in dependence of material and media. For technical queries please contact our application consultants – we have the right solution for you. 

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Mr. Thomas Stegmaier
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Engineering - General sealing topics, special constructions

Mr. Thomas Stegmaier
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