This year, instead of the traditional small Christmas presents, we have decided to support the Klinikum Stuttgart in its wonderful and tireless work with a donation. With its three hospitals, the Katharinenhospital, the hospital in Bad Cannstatt, and the Olgahospital, also known as "Olgäle", one of Germany's most traditional and largest hospitals for children and adolescents, it offers comprehensive care at the highest medical and nursing level.
You can find further information at: https://www.klinikum-stuttgart.de/

We take on an annual sponsorship for the training of schoolchildren as part of the "Retten macht Schule" project.
A study by Rostock University Hospital shows that young people from the seventh grade, i.e. at the age of around 12/13,
are able to resuscitate an adult. The Björn Steiger Foundation then launched the "Rescue at school" initiative.
This initiative has the specific aim of qualifying teachers so that they can teach pupils in year 7 how to perform resuscitation using
cardiac massage during a lesson. The school is provided with training dummies and extensive teaching materials for this purpose.
Further information can be found at

At the official start of the 5th season on 11 November 2023, the Lions Club Stuttgart-Fernsehturm delivered pre-ordered doughnuts for its "Berliner mit Herz" campaign.
Companies and offices from the Stuttgart and Böblingen region were able to order Berliners for their employees in advance and have them delivered free of charge this year with a slight delay on 13 November 2023. A total of 5,544 were ordered by over 100 customers and delivered using a sophisticated route plan and the active support of club members, so that the Berliners arrived at their customers' homes within 3 hours and before 11.11 am.
There was great joy and a warm welcome when the employees received the delicious surprise.
The "Berliner mit Herz" campaign was supported by the Trölsch quality bakery and over EUR 4,200 was raised in donations.
Further information on this campaign and other activities can be found at https://stuttgart-fernsehturm.lions.de/aktuell

In February 2023, the border region between Turkey and Syria was shaken by several violent earthquakes. The earthquakes and many very strong aftershocks caused considerable destruction and immeasurable suffering. Over 50,000 people lost their lives and millions lost their homes. Through a donation via Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V., we are supporting the alliance organisation and local partner organisations that are active on the ground and helping the people affected.

The world has been a different place since 24 February 2022. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought severe hardship and suffering to the country and its people.
We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. We are supporting the alliance of German aid organisations financially with a donation via Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V. in order to provide emergency aid.

The number of premature births in Germany is unfortunately constantly increasing. Premature babies should not be transported if possible, but many cannot be adequately cared for at the place of birth and have to be transferred to a specialised clinic. Transport that is as smooth and vibration-free as possible can be life-saving. With our sponsorship for 2021, we are supporting the „Felix Baby Ambulance“ initiative of the Björn Steiger Foundation.

As part of the climate protection campaign "Job Advertisement Plants a Tree" by yourfirm.de and PRIMAKLIMA, a protected tree is planted in controlled small-scale farmer areas in Nicaragua for every job advertisement since February 2020. In our search for dedicated employees who want to contribute to the growth of the ULMAN Group, we have embarked on new paths of sustainability. We are delighted with every (additional) tree planted on our behalf.

The severe storms in mid-July 2021 caused enormous damage, especially in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia. We are supporting "Aktion Deutschland Hilft e. V. - Bündnis deutscher Hilfsorganisationen" with a donation of €5,000 so that disaster relief can continue to be provided on the ground in the affected areas. We wish all those affected a lot of strength, confidence and support. We hope for a quick reconstruction.

Dimac-Sportmarketing is committed to organising sponsorship campaigns in favour of schools. Many schools are often dependent on voluntary and other forms of support. Dimac-Sportmarketing's commitment enables the purchase of sports and sports materials and equipment. We are happy to support you as a school sponsor within the scope of our possibilities.

The Björn Steiger Foundation is committed to saving lives with its "Rescue at school" campaign. The aim is to train all seventh-graders to become lifesavers in one lesson every year. The first aid training teaches pupils how important the topic is and how easy it can be to provide help. Trained teachers and a million training dummies ensure that seventh-graders will be able to save others in the future, for example with classic cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The ULMAN Dichtungstechnik GmbH sees itself as part of a social community, with the understanding that, in addition to responsibility towards its own customers, employees and social engagement are essential components of a successful company.
Based on this understanding, we have decided to become a member of the Gewerbeforum in Gärtringen, an association of trade, commerce, and service providers.
The purpose of the Gewerbeforum is to strengthen the economic power of the region at the national and international levels, to maintain and create jobs and training opportunities, and to represent the collective interests at the local political level.
We look forward to the collaboration and exchange of information, in order to provide our employees with a secure business location in the future and to continue driving the positive development of the company as we have done in the past.
For more information about the Gewerbeforum, please click here: https://www.gewerbeforum-gaertringen.de/home

We support the Björn Steiger Foundation's "Rescue goes to school" initiative. Research has shown that the chances of surviving a cardiac arrest are two to three times higher if you intervene. Cardiac massage in particular makes a significant difference - according to a study by the University of Rostock, even a child can do this.