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Static Seals Back-up Ring BB – concave unslotted

The Back-up Ring BB has a closed profile with a concave groove. Due to its accessibility, it is particularly suitable for split grooves. It has a very good O-ring support at very high und pulsating pressures through the concave design.

Back-up Rings are exactly adapted to the groove height and are turned with standard PTFE virgin material. The required groove width increases by the width of the Back-up Rings.

Back-up Ring BB – concave unslotted

Fields of application
single acting
double acting
Main use protective element for elastomeric sealants against gap extrusion
Materials PTFE, PTFE with filling material

Technical values

Materials PTFE
Pressure static up to 250 MPa
linear up to 40 MPa
rotatory up to 15 MPa
Temperature -200°C / +260°C (material dependent)
Speed linear up to 0,5 m/s
rotatory up to 2 m/s
Maximum values temperature, speed and pressure are simultaneously not applicable! The values vary in dependence of material and media. For technical queries please contact our application consultants – we have the right solution for you. 

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Further to Back-up ring BC - concave slotted
Further to Back-up Ring BC – concave slotted
Mr. Andreas Raidt
Your contact person for

Technology - General sealing topics, special constructions

Mr. Andreas Raidt
Head of Engineering
Do you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions? We are more than happy to assist you with advice. In person, over the phone, or digitally.

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